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Artus Solutions announces its surface repair service

Digital Newspaper of the Stone Industry

Artus Solutions, a company specialized in repairing surfaces such as stairs and kitchen countertops, recently traveled to Barcelona with the aim of making its comprehensive countertop and surface repair service known to professionals in the sector. Artus Solutions has a technical team capable of repairing chips, bumps or scratches on any surface, which is a very interesting alternative to incidents that require a total replacement of the material or a compensation.

One of the attendees at this informative session indicated that “it is very important to be able to recommend such a service, whether for a problem in porcelanic or granite.” During the exhibition, Carlos Riu, director of Artus Solutions Spain, showed in detail the process of repairing that the company uses and that is managed by specialized professionals using its own techniques and products. Thus, all attendees were able to see both the technology and the results obtained after the repair.

“I was surprised by the practical solution that Artus Solutions proposes and with very good results, as I have seen. These are countertop specialists, confirms one of the attendees, who also indicated that" the most interesting topic is the countertop repair, although everything they repair is infinitely very global. I also believe that it is important to be able to provide solutions to customers ", he corroborates."

I consider this type of service to be very interesting both for the marble specialist, who can take advantage of a large remnant, for the kitchen store that needs to provide a solution to a client, as well as the final customer ”, underlined one of the attending professionals.

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